We have finalized our November/December schedule. Here is what we are offering:
November 16, 2024: 10:30am-12:30pm - Save A Life, Stop The Bleed.
Includes a FREE Rothco Tactical Trauma Kit ($67.99 value)
This class focuses on:
Proper use of a C.A.T. tourniquet and the SWAT-T Tourniquet.
How to correctly apply compression bandages (Israeli bandages, NAR Trauma Bandages, etc.).
Use of hemostatic gauze and proper wound packing technique.
Learn treatment for penetrating chest injuries and how to properly use a chest seal.
November 16, 2024: 1:00pm-2:00pm - Building your first-aid kit
This class focuses on:
Building a basic first aid kit to treat common minor and severe injuries.
The difference between life-saving items and comfort items.
What you should have in your kit to treat bleeding injuries, fracture injuries (broken bones), lacerations, penetrating wounds and more.
The three levels of kit, suitable for personal carry, car carry and home.
December 7th, 2024: Â Â 10:30am-12:30pm - Save A Life, Stop The Bleed.
  Includes a FREE Rothco Tactical Trauma Kit ($67.99 value)
This class focuses on:
Proper use of a C.A.T. tourniquet and the SWAT-T Tourniquet with practical exercises.
How to correctly apply compression bandages (Israeli bandages, NAR Trauma Bandages, etc.) with practical exercises.
Use of hemostatic gauze and proper wound packing technique with practical exercises.
Learn treatment for penetrating chest injuries and how to properly use a chest seal.
December 7th, 2024: 1:00pm-3:00pm - Save A Life, Traumatic Injuries
Includes a FREE Rothco Tactical Trauma Kit ($67.99 value)
This class focuses on:
Treating Fractures
Chest Injuries
Head Trauma
Venous Bleeding vs. Arterial Bleeding
Eye Trauma
and more..
December 14th, 2024: 10:00am-2:00pm - Women's CCW Class
Includes goody bag and free copy of Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals book ($35.00 value)
This class focuses on:
Understanding Your Environment
Conflict Avoidance
Psychology of violent encounters
Legal Aspects of Using Deadly Force
State Law Comprehension
Upon successful completion of this class, you will earn the certificate necessary for you to apply for your Wisconsin Concealed Carry of Weapons License (CCW).
Seating is limited to 8 students per class, for all classes. Bring a pen and notebook, as these classes are content-rich and you will want to take lots of notes.
To book any of our classes, go to our home page and click on the link for classes.