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Mass Casualty Incidents and Triage
Learn about the Triage System and how it applies to Mass Casualty Incidents.
2 hr2 hr
30 US dollars
Old Highway 26
Service Description
Mental Health, Mass Casualty Events & the Triage System
Join us for our class on Mass Casualty Events (MCIs), The Triage System PLUS a discussion on Mental Health. Fees collected from this class pay only for instructor time and for the cost of the venue.
We have 10 seats available for this class.
This class is NOT a hands-on, first-aid class. Rather, we will be discussing MCIs and how to triage patients. In addition, we are adding a presentation on mental health.
Mass Casualty Events & Triage:
1. Defining Mass Casualty Incidents
2. What is Triage?
3. Treatment Color Codes
4. Implementing Triage using RPM
5. Mock Triage Exercises
Mental Health Discussion:
1. Effects of Trauma and Coping Strategies
2. Adverse Effects of Alcohol and Drug Use
3. Suicide Prevention: Education, Help and Resources
4. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
5. Active-Shooter Identification
This is an excellent companion course to our “Save A Life: Control The Bleed” course.
Register directly on our website, or here: